FOR PROFESSIONALS | 1 hr | Education

Mastering MetaXplore: Interpret Microbiome Reports in Under 15 Minutes

In this one-hour on-demand webinar, you will learn:

- Practical steps to take for confident MetaXplore™ report interpretation.
- How to identify red flags in your patient’s gut microbiome and when you need to refer to a medical specialist.
- Signs that your patient’s gut terrain may be compromised and what you can do about it.
- How to recognise functional dysbiosis and why you should address the whole gut microbiome.
- Common mistakes to avoid when interpreting a MetaXplore report.
- How and when to apply report insights to your patient’s management plan.

Dr Brad Leech will walk you through a live report demonstration and showcase how the new Expert Summary will save you time and help you move from beginner to expert in microbiome interpretation.

Dr Brad Leech (Nutritionist & Co-Biome’s Lead Clinical Educator)

Cost: Free

*This webinar is for qualified health professionals in Australia and New Zealand only.

This content is for Co-Biome Certified Clinicians only

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